112 Advocate Challenge

Join the ABC Press Ups/Run for Advocate challenge!

Advocate is the Bar’s national pro bono charity that makes it possible for barristers to balance a dedicated practice with making a significant contribution to the community. The Bar Pro Bono Unit is a charity which helps to find pro bono (free) legal assistance from volunteer barristers. Pro bono assistance is only available to those who cannot afford to pay and who cannot obtain public funding (Legal Aid).

Did you know that Advocate’s dedicated team place on average 112 cases a month, ably assisted by a growing number of barristers who freely give up their specialist skills to work on a pro bono basis in representing deserving individuals who cannot afford legal representation?

BUT, Advocate are reliant on external funding to do what they do.

ABC will be raising money for Advocate in February via a sponsored ‘112 challenge’. Bill, Hudson, Sam, Sarah, George & Margot have accepted the challenge to do 112 push-ups or squats a day or run or walk 112km throughout the month of February.

How you can help Advocate continue to do their vital work?

Sponsor us Via our Just Giving page

Join in on challenge yourself and join a supportive group of clerks, barristers, solicitors and other legal professionals doing their bit for the cause. Get in touch via enquiries@abcllp.com to join the group.

Who’s taking part so far?

  • Bill Conner, ABC
  • Hudson Brewer, ABC
  • Sam Biggerstaff, ABC
  • Georgina Sundown, ABC
  • Sarah Willshee, ABC
  • Tess Conner, ABC
  • Margot Emlyn Jones, ABC
  • Steve McGrone, 1 Hare Court
  • Danny Chapman, 36 Group
  • Adam Cope, 36 Group
  • Frazer Vye, 36 Group
  • Joe Wilson, St Philips Chambers
  • Juliette Print, St Philips Chambers
  • Ross Hands, St Philips Chambers
  • Lauren Matthews, St Philips Chambers
  • Tom Kelly, St Philips Chambers

Press ups not for you? Create your own suitable challenge (sit ups, squats, chair exercises etc.) based around the magical 112 number, to remind everyone of the dedication of Advocate and the Bar to help those in need each and every month.

Looking for inspiration? Check the Advocate website here for case histories of successes which would not have been possible without Advocate and the Bar.

Your support is vital and could make a huge difference to someone’s life.

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112 Advocate Challenge

Join the ABC Press Ups/Run for Advocate challenge! Advocate is the Bar’s national pro bono charity that makes it possible for barristers to balance a…


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