We have led the way in providing a collaborative experience for our loyal Chambers client base. Our Training Partnership provides a very attractive and cost-effective option for Chambers looking to provide essential training for all of their members and staff.
Having worked in the Chambers world for over fifty years we know at first-hand the current concerns that are troubling Chambers, our long-term clients’ requirements, and what their time and budgetary constraints are.
Although initially we were led by the traditional training market model of charging based on an individual licence per delegate, per module, we set out to lead from the front and create a completely different charging structure which will be to the benefit of our loyal client base.
We believe that an inclusive, low-cost Chambers-wide monthly subscription model will provide a much more attractive and workable option for Chambers, as well as representing excellent value for money.
By building the training content from the ground up – creating the modules with the assistance of a niche IT company with a background in online education, utilising one of the world’s leading learning platforms and commissioning the content by direct instruction of expert barristers to write training specifically for the Bar and Chambers – we have taken ownership of the entire training process and are completely in charge of our own pricing structure.
Chambers taking control of the training makes it easier for them to monitor all Bar training and chase individual members who have fallen behind. Our ‘Group Manager’ function allows Chambers to view, at a glance, each delegate’s progress and easily produce delegate progress reports. Not content with that, we also provide a bespoke reporting service to make things easier for you.
Chambers is able to evidence (to the BSB etc.) that it has provided all of its members with the opportunity to undertake relevant training in key areas of concern and also has records of monitoring and any necessary chasing.
For more information or a tailor made quote for your set please email Bill or Sarah directly on bill@abcllp.com, sarah@abcllp.com or on training@abcllp.com .
Bill or Sarah can also provide a 15 minute “fly-over” presentation via Teams/Zoom that that we believe will change the way that you offer compliance training for your barristers and support staff.
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